Saturday, July 17, 2010


Okay so it has come to my attention that my senior year is approaching very fast. I didn't realize how close it was until just the other day. In a few short weeks I will have to enroll for my classes. On Monday marching band camp will officially start. In less than a month we will be moving across the highway into a beautiful home. Last Monday Guard officially started for the season. Also it has come to my attention that I need to change some things about me. For instance I have to change my diet. The reason why I have to change my diet is because of some medical reason. I am kinda excited because everything that I have to do is what I like to do. So it is all good! But the thing is that I can't believe that I am going to be a senior in high school. I have talked to some of my friends and they have said that they are scared and I am just as scared as they are. I remember when I was at the freshman center it seems like it was just yesterday. Yes I know that everyone says that your senior year is your fastest year of school because it is your last so you better enjoy it. And I will tell you one thing I WILL ENJOY MY SENIOR YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL!!! Any ways just wanted to let you know whats up! Thanks for reading! Have a Great Day God Bless!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Answered Prayers!

Okay this is going to be a short one folks! In my last blog I told asked you to pray for me and my family. Well our prayers were answered!!!! We are moving!!! Now we won't move until September but moving into this house is putting our family in the right direction for adoption! So that is pretty much about all I wanted to tell you today. Get back to you soon! Love you guys and thanks for reading my blog.

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