Thursday, June 17, 2010

You Find God's Grace In Every Mistake

So I would love to tell you that I love summer school but I don’t. First of all I only have two classes that each last the length of a morning. From 7:30-10:45 in the morning is my first session and 11:15-2:30 in the afternoon is my second session. So that is the first reason why I don’t like summer school. The second reason I dread waking up in the morning is because I have ABSOLUTELY NO FRIENDS that are with me. Now you’re probably thinking that its because they passed their class and yes they did. But see in my morning class I am taking Personal Finance or “Senior Seminar” as you older people like to call it. And this class is a class that tells you how to buy a house, a car, manage a banking account, balancing check books. So this class can be boring especially this week because I a have had a sub for a week. I am not talking this class because I failed it. I have never taken this class before. I am taking it so I don’t have to take it next year. See only seniors are allowed to take it so since I am going to be a senior next year I would have had to take it but instead I choose to take it in the summer because one it is so much easier in summer and two I have room to take other classes that I want to. And in my afternoon class it is the same length as the morning class. I am taking Algebra Two because I actually failed that class second semester. I chose to take it this summer instead of during the year next year because in the summer it is always easier. Another reason why I hate my afternoon class is because for the first hour we take notes then go to a fifteen minute break. After break he gives us a worksheet which takes me literally two minutes to do. After I’m done we sit there until our next break which isn’t for another hour. And after that break we comeback check our worksheet and take a quiz. So since it only takes me two minutes to do my worksheet then you would probably guess that it takes me about the same to do my quiz. And it does, it takes me at least five minutes to take my quiz. After that we sit until the bell rings at 2:30. Also another reason why I don’t like summer school is because the school it so stupid. In my morning class I am at another school and there rules are that bad but in my afternoon class I’m at another school and there rules are so stupid. One of their rules is that you’re not supposed to bring any un-opened container or food on the “campus.” UGH I HATE SUMMER SCHOOL. I hate that I am ranting but I won’t be happy until my last day which is June 30th. That is also another reason why I hate summer school. Because it takes up half of my summer. I have band camp so my second half of my summer is that. But I’m okay with band camp I love that part of my summer. But this part it torcher. “Please just shoot me now,” as I like to say, of course I don’t mean it, I just want to get out of this place. I’m actually writing this while I’m at summer school in between two of my breaks in my afternoon session.

Now how this blog pertains to my title I have no clue but it is my Facebook status and I thought it fit. I’m not sure if it does now but oh well I like it!

Thanks for reading! Have a Great Day! God Bless!

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