Saturday, May 29, 2010


So you know how the other day I talked about my friend Laura. Well I am very glad to have her as a friend. I went to her graduation party today and I enjoyed myself so much. I met her best friend named Erin today. She is a very sweet young lady I was glad to meet her. Erin wants to be a hair stylist which is really cool. And like I said the other day Laura wants to be a nurse. Laura is a wonderful friend, she is one of those friends who you will know forever. Once your friends with them it is hard to forget a friend like that, Laura is ONE of those friends. J I am going to miss her next year when she isn’t marching on the field with me, or at band camp on the field learning the drill. No more sitting on the CTC bus talking about how rude the guys on the bus are or talking about our parents or our faith. There will only be short conversations about how school or band is going. Yes I will be able to see her at band competitions and football games. But it won’t be like it was at school. And as I sit here looking at pictures of her at band camp that her dad has given me I think of next year and how much it is going to be different because all of my senior friends have left and are off at school while I am now a senior in high school. Yes it is going to be a little bit scary to be a senior but I am jumping into to next year with all of my friends with out looking back. So Laura has given me a look on what my senior year should look like and not what people say it should be. Laura has been a wonderful friend to me this year. She has touched my life very much. I am very glad to have a friend like her in my life! Thank You Laura!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So I know I just blogged but I just read my mama's blog ( and I just couldn't help but cry when I read it. No matter what I do I always seem to make her happy. I love my mama so dearly. I am very glad to have a mom like her. I am going to miss her when I go off to college. I don't want to grow up yet but then I do. I want to live my life on my own but I don't want to leave the comfort of my home. I am surrounded by the people I love each and every day. Yes there are some days that we fight but my mama is one person who will always be there for me no matter what I do. SO I just wanted to say how much I love my mama. She has been there for me when everyone else in the world turned against me. She is my rock. I can rely on her to do anything for me and to be anywhere for me. She will always be my MAMA!!! So this blog right here is for you mama!!! :)

Almost Done

So school is slowly coming to an end for the year. I still have one year left of high school. Unlike some of my friends there last day is tomorrow. I am feeling this same sadness that I had last year around this time, the sadness of my friends leaving. This year is especially hard because I am loosing some really great friends that I have made this year. See there are a group of boys at my school who have made me laugh so hard this year. Some days when I was having a terrible day they would be there sitting next to just making me smile and laugh. They are graduating and I am going to miss them. Then there is this other boy named Brooks Stotts who I have known for a while and he is going to be graduating as well. He is a boy who will flirt with you because he knows you like him. And then in the end you end up being GREAT friends. He is a wonderful young man and he knows what to say and when to say it. He IS my best friend and I am going to miss him next year when he goes off to college. And then after Brooks there is John Gibson. John is my country boy. He makes me laugh even when he is mad at everyone who talks to him but he knows when I am upset, sad, angry or mad and cheers me up no matter what mood he is in. He will flirt with me even when he is around his girl-friend. He is one of those guys you wish was yours and only yours. I am going to miss him. Next is a very good friend named Laura Buckle! Laura is such a sweet young lady. She wants to be a nurse to she is going to stay here in my home town so I can still talk to her. I have become GREAT friends with her over the last year. She has been in band with me for three years but this year has been the year where we really became friends. So with the Seniors last day tomorrow there will be tears of joy and tears of sadness. But I will never forget the great things that my friends have done for me this year. I just hope that we can keep in contact!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010


So here I am once again sitting somewhere headed no where. I am in my culinary class seeing my teacher dance and sing to the songs that are coming over the intercom while grilling hamburgers. I am enjoying myself today just sitting back and watching what is going on. It is a special day at CTC today. We are celebrating great scores for the entire school! Down the table from me is a group from my class playing a card game while the rest of the class is off doing other things. I have decided to stay back and just relax today. The school year is coming to an end for some of the students in my class. They are Seniors and they're going to graduate soon but I still have to go. Each and every person is having fun doing their own thing. I am not flustered or anything I am just calm and relaxed. I don't want to leave my classroom because I know that I am safe here. I know that I will  be rejected by the people outside of that door. I know that I have friends who love me in this very room. I don't know, something about today makes me love my life for the little things. Something about this classroom makes me come in, each and everyday. Maybe its the teacher or the students? Maybe its even the kids and the teachers in the other classes. But whatever it is makes me love my life more and more.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mommies Day!

So here I am on my way home from taking my older brother back to SBU for the last time as a freshman. And it is mother day of all day and next year he will be a sophomore in college and I will be a senior in high school. My little brother will be a junior and soon after that we will all be out of high school. I know it is hard to think about right now because I want to just enjoy my senior year and I don’t want anything to change right now. I know for my mom it seems very hard to think about and I know she doesn’t want me to “leave the nest” but I know she also knows that we all have to grow up weather we want to or not. It’s just really hard to think about.

I try and wrap my mind around what is going to happen to me soon. Next month by the schools terms I will become a senior in high school because the seniors now will have graduated and we will be the rulers of the school. Then in the fall I will start my school year off as a good start. I will be able to do just about anything I want to (still following my parents rules). I will be gaining more trust with my parents because they know that soon I will be off at college not far away but I will be growing up. I will become a Pastry Chef!

This weekend I made my mom and mothers day cake. The cake was an ice cream cake. I used a spring form pan and baked my cake in that. After it was done I let it freeze completely when it was frozen I put a layer of magic shell (it’s like chocolate syrup but hardens when it gets cold) let that freeze. Then I put my ice cream on top of the shell. I put it back into the freezer to let the ice cream get hard and later I pulled it out and decorated the top of it. When I pulled it out of the freezer today I took the ring off and very carefully decorated the sides. It was a difficult task to decorate the sides but it sure was worth it. We all enjoyed the yummy ice cream cake after a delicious mothers day lunch/dinner. It was a chocolate cake with mint chocolate chip ice cream on top. Check it out!

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